Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Thank god none of my teachers or parents know where my blog is...... Today I am wagging because it is wednesday, the most boring of them all (so I thought it would be a good idea to skip it, just for this week). I don't usually wag (honest!) but I just can't stand wednesdays!
The idea of me wagging today came from yesterday when I went with Adam and Lisa to the ABC radio station to be interviewed about we thought about drugs, escpelly estacsy. We ended up turning it into a discussion into underage smoking and binge drinking! It was really cool!
After that, we went near coles, to find Nadine, who had our delicious Mcgoodies (please don't sue me!) and it was then I realised that I could just stay in town and wag. But unfourtenley my moral code would'nt allow it, and I went sadly plopping off to school.
So if you think about it, today I'm unshackling myself from my chains that I call school (I dont't think the teacher will it that way though!).
Today might be my day off, but tomorrow I'll be there, boerd as usual.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Not real

The other day when I asked my writing and publishing teacher if I could submit my blog as my journal (we have to write a person journal, which the teacher makes us write, despite the fact he refuses to read it), he said no, citing the fact that blogs are'nt real journals.
Acording to him, can't be classed as real journals because you feel that you can't write what you trully feel, as it's a public medium (meaning that anybody can see it). Some pepole say that's wrong, because you can go into real detail without giving away your idenity (although in my opinion it does kinda defeat the purpose of having a journal).
I don't know.... Maybe I'll be able to convince him and be able to count my blog as part of my journal work.

P.S This is my tenth post! let's all jump for joy!

Friday, July 22, 2005

A brief history

For the pepole who know me (and sadly make up a large part of my user-base, they already know why the site is called those that don't however, I'll give you a quick history.
I'm a pretty shy person, with this blog I guess being a way to overcome it (plus everybody else was doing it, so I just jumped on the bandwagon, so I just used my shyness as a excuse). My shyness has caused a pretty bad side-effect, the fact that I always "sorry', even during times when it's not even when it's not the best time to.
To counter this bad habbit, during my work experience, the team at lead-on came up with an ingenious idea; to knock it out of me with humiliation.
Whenever I said sorry, they would put a cross on the major white-board, and if I got to 10 crosses, it was pants down and across deakin avenue (the main street in our town). But I got crosses off for swearing in context.
I know it's wierd, but it sort of got me out of the habbit (though at times, I still do say it alot). So for all those pepole who somehome stumbled across my blog and (probbally through the influence of drugs) became hooked it, that is the story of my blog. Thank-you and good night!

Home work clases

Yesterday I forgot to go to home-work class (I seriously did!) so I'm here in lunch-time home work class. It's great in a way, because I get to go on the internet (which is seriouly restricted here) and write the very blog post that I'm writing now.
That aside, the only exiting thing to happen this week is when me, Adam and matt scott borrowed a gopher (you know, those things that those old pepole ride on) and went around the mall asking pepole about Lead-on. It was a great afternoon, made better by the fact that I was told that one of the steering commitee pepole could help me find contacts for interviews in future editions of loop (I do interviews, as you can guess).
Next time, I hope, I can remember important things.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So tiered

God, I've got to stop having these late nights, it's going to kill me! There's always something on the radio or television, or it's the fact that I've drunk too much caffeine (coffee or coke). Maybe I'm compensating for something.........
My eyes have these big bags under them, once again proving that everybody needs thier beauty sleep. There's nothing on tonight on T.V or triple J (the best and the only radio station I listen to) except for fraiser, so I think I'll get an early night.

(P.S Brendan, you can now post(in regard to your comment on tennilles blog). I've made it so any-one can......)

Monday, July 18, 2005

The light at the end of the tunnel!

Yeah! I'm almost done all my home that I need to do! All I need to do is a few pargraphs of work and then my front cover of my portfolio, then I can just relax, not just here, but at school (By completing this piece of work I'll be one writing piece ahead of everybody else!)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Work, work, work and more work!

Today I've been doing my english homework. I failed it last semester so this semester is my only chance to make it through to Year 11.
I'm still doing it, after 5 hours at Lead-on, so I hope all this time and effort will pay off in the end =-) I also have to do my front cover for my 3D art portfolio and even more english work.
Last night I watched the glass house and watched a little bit of RAGE before conking out. This moring before
I went anywhere, I had to mow the lawn, which broke down 3/4 of the way through, which was lucky.
Oh well, only couple of more till I finish

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Talks, food and other stuff

Today was a pretty quick day, but a enjoyable one as well. I woke up alittle tiered from t Today started off with a talk with slam poet Emily Zoe Baker, as part of writing and publishing. We (the class) had to write poetry, combine it with another, and then perform it to the class. I went very well...... It went all for session 1 + 2.
After recess, I did english, and was succpected of copying my work from the internet, when in reality I was just uploading it to the web so that I can put it on the computers at Lead-on. After English, I did MIPS and we did a lesson on what we could do for VCE. It was alittle bit confusing, but I got through it.
After lunch I went to food and made some strange, but great tasting bread-sticks (that's what they were supposed to be anyway).

Friday, July 15, 2005


Today the latest edition of loop came out. It featured my interview with Fran, a owner of a Gothic,Fettish, cyber and alternitive shop in Brunswick, Melbourne. I was also credited editor (only because there was no-one else)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

School is back.. Sadly...

School is back and it mean's back to work as usual..... In the past three days (or two if count the day I satyed home) it's been pretty tiring and boring, but I've managed to get through it.

Another day....

Nothing much today...... But today was a memorable one, netherless!
First off, I did Writing and publishing, somehting which I excelled at, then in Computer studies I raced through most of my required tasks!
May I'll end up getting good grades after all..........