A few weeks left
There's only about....7 weeks I think still remaining for year 10 students at Chaffey, and god, I've got a hell of alot of work to finish off before then.
I've got to finish off several english assignments, my written peices in health, 3D art and Food and the list just goes on and on from there. I'm going to be bushed (+-( ). Tonight, though I can forget about it. I'm going to Zach's party tonight!
Another thing that's comming up is the Year 10 ball. I have to pay $35 just to get in, $40 or $50 for suite hire (I don't like suites, they're just too tight) and listen to teenybopper music all night. I still don't know if I'm going or not... Hmmm...... It's at the settlers, so the meals might be good.
I know the answer to this! I'll set it up as a poll. That way I can have someone take over a aspect of my life for me. Yay!
Do you think I should go to the year 10 ball, waste a hell of alot of money, and dance to really bad music. Post a comment about your views today!