Saturday, October 15, 2005

A japanese story..

I haven't blogged in quite a while. This is due to many things, which are too numerous, and just too boring to mention, so I'm just not going to write about them.

Overt the past few days, I've been involved in getting together an interview with Conno Takahisi, artist for Alpha nuts, the team behind the excellent "White Ties". On thursday, I sent him the questions for the interview, in a form of a sort of questionare. Two days later, He replied. It was quite a shock he replied so fast!

He answered my questions quite well, considering he used a translator to write the english text. Of course, that meant I had to make his interview grammatically correct so that I could read it propperly. No easy task.

Anyway, it was an honor to interview such a great artist and video game developer. Thank you, KONNO!


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