Friday, August 05, 2005

Long time, No blog

I havn't blogged in a while, mainly I've become so busy with school work and other things to write. Monday was the most hetic, which the crew at Leadon having a surprise party for me me (like I said on my last post, it was my birthday on Monday).
Add to that, I've got to finish a draft for my writing and publishing story (about two women), complete my teenage manual work, and get everything ready for movie night (I'm not saying anything about it, for obvious reasons). Add to that I've missed two home-work classes (which according to a stupid, fat f****wit that I know, it could mean that I don't get my Year 10 certificate.
So when you think about it, in some ways it's getting better, and in others, not so well.... Oh well, good things happen to good pepole.....................................Right?

P.S I need some help. I need to find a good name for a domain name for the future site (I'm hoping to move my blog onto a inapdendant site). So if you have any good Ideas, just post a comment on the post. You give more than one idea. Godspeed!


At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not just call it

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Jack said...

You'd better get in with before John Howard does. HA!


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