Wednesday, November 16, 2005

O' Sailior

God, I feel so alone. Why does it seem that the more and more I reveal of myself, the more ostricised I feel myself becomming around those around me ? Have I lost something to gain another?

Why did I make that mistake?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Staring at the ceiling...

Look, my life just passed me by.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Do I need a title?

This was something I made a few days ago. Yes, I know the quality is crappy, but that's mostly due to the size and the nature of the web. The eye is inspired by "White Ties", a game by Alpha Nuts. Feel free to comment on it if you wish.

Anyway, apart from this little sprite, there's nothing else really worth or that I want to be commenting on in my blog, apart from the fact that since the most of my teachers are going out and striking to make a statement about the new IR laws (which, quite franky, are a real bitch), me and all of the year 9 and 10 students at school get a day off (lol the year 7's and 8's get the short straw here). Finally, a chance to sleep in =-) (I did'nt get to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday due to chores and a rush by grandmother to get a haircut).

Till next time, ta ta.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The apple orchid

Fiona Apple's album came out about two weeks ago, but sadly I have'nt been able to buy it untill this week =-(.

I've already heard a few of the songs off the album, like "Better version of me" (my favorite) and the title track "Extraordinary Machine", which reminds of those old swing jazz songs from the 50's. Anyway, I think they're great, much better than "When the Pawn" (which, of course most people know was the time when she went into "breakdown mode"), but I can't really say anything about "Tidal" though. In short, from what I've heard, it's a great album, and I can't wait till I get it this week or next.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

On reflection...

The sands of time are slowly sifting away this year, but it seems, that I’ve managed to find already the closure on something quite personal (If you want to know what I’m talking about then you’ll just have to ask me and I might just tell you) that I thought I would find right at the end of it all, reflecting the mistakes and successes in over the past 12 months as the countdown began and the fireworks struck, or when I’m something like 25. It’s good though to get these things done well and truly early, to, you know have a, as the carrol goes, “have a happy new year”.

A lot of other things have been happening since my last post. I went to Zach’s party and it was quite fun. I had a fun time, talked to some new people, and generally enjoyed myself, even if some of the music wasn’t quite to my liking.

My dad came down over the long, 4 day weekend (yes, we got a whole 4 days off, it was pure bliss), but something wasn’t quite the same as when Me and my little Brother (His birthday was yesterday, by the way) go down to Melbourne. Maybe it’s because I’m not used to him coming down to see us. Hmmm… Something to ponder.

Exams and all the other change-of-school meeting and counseling sessions are coming up, and quite frankly, I’m quite nervous about it all. I have no idea if my subjects I have chosen will get through (that is, I’m good enough to do them?) and will I even pass to go through next year. I can only hope, and of course, study quite hard.

The last thing in this extremely long rant is the fact I’ve at last got a USB stick. Sure, it’s only a 128MB one, but it still looks pretty good, and it’s also pretty fast to boot. It only cost me $24, which was a pretty good deal.

So there you, a nice and long brief into my life while I’ve been gone. I hope this makes up for my unusual posting patterns.